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       Pricelist 2010 



301, Gayang Technotown, #1487 Gayang 3 dong, Gangseo-gu
Seoul 157-793, KOREA

Spherotech, Inc.
27845 Irma Lee Circle, Unit 101
Lake Forest, IL 60045

Exalpha Biologicals, Inc.
2 Shaker Road, Unit B101
Shirley, MA 01464

Export                                   DF Kasumigaseki Place,3-6-7 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 JAPAN 

EY Laboratories, Inc. Headquarters
107 N. Amphlett Blvd
San Mateo, CA. 94401 USA

EXBIO Praha, a.s.
Nad Safinou II 366
252 42  Vestec
Czech Republic

Sacace Biotechnologies S.r.l.

Via Scalabrini, 44
22100 Como Italy


redcoon België GENTAUR BVBA

VAT BE0473327336

Av. de l Armee 68 B4

1040 Brussels BELGIUM

  Tel + 32 16 58 90 45 

Fax + 32 16 50 90 45


SIRET 48423788800017

Rue Lagrange, 9

75005 Paris, France

 Tel 01 43 25 01 50

Fax 01 43 25 01 60 

GENTAUR Germany Marienbongard 20

52074 Aachen, Germany

Tel  0241 56 00 99 68                    Fax 0241 56 00 47 88 

GENTAUR Pol Sp. Z.o.o. Ulica Ogarna 15/19B m2

80-826 GDANSK

Tel 00 48 58 760 77 08

Fax: 00 32 16 50 90 45


23015 Milano, Italy

 Tel 02 36 00 65 93

Fax 02 36 00 65 94

Česká republika Praha



Finland Helsset

Ελλάς Αθήνα

Ireland Dublin


Magyarország Budapest


Norge Oslo


Sverige Stockholm

Schweiz Züri


Northern America 

Canada Montreal

US New York


Other Countries redcoon België
0032 (0)16 41 44 07


antibody production- rabbit polyclonal services from 15 high quality companies  
company price time region link
note: price and time if any are usually the starting values and for reference only. Actual price and time may vary.
United States Biological 1650 USD/35 ml 5 weeks world detail, provider
USDA-Registered Polyclonal Production United States Biological is known for more than the thousands of antibodies offered in our catalog. Our antibodies are produced in state of the art facilities ...
last update: 2009-07-06
GENTAUR FRANCE BELGIUM GERMANY ITALY and POLAND 600 Euro/20ml 5 Weeks world detail, provider
GENTAUR offers polyclonal antibody production service to researchers who want a fast, reliable source of anti-small molecules antibodies. We offer the complete package : - from immunogen synthesis ...
last update: 2009-10-22
LifeSpan inquire 4 months local detail, provider
LifeSpan offers full service production of rabbit polyclonal antibodies from peptide design to the characterization of the final product. With a decade of antibody production experience and more than ...
last update: 2009-03-17
ProSci Incorporated inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
GenScript Corporation inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
Maine Biotechnology Services inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
Harlan Laboratories inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
QED Bioscience inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
EnoGene inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
General Bioscience inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
GenWay inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
Abnova inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
Capralogics inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
School of Veterinary Medicine inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
Hokkaido System Science inquire inquire world detail, provider
last update: 2009-03-22
about antibody production- rabbit polyclonal

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